The Oyster Queen

In the first half of 2016, I wrote a book called Shuckr about a time-traveling oyster bar in NYC. It was a fun, but somewhat angsty book about a disgruntled and very drunk thirty-year-old guy who finds his way into the secret bar one night after a bender. I worked...

Working With Airbnb to Create an Experience

After a number of successful oyster crawls I’ve begun talks with Airbnb to craft a more formal tour via their new Experiences program. Starting in the next week or so, I’ll be offering hour and a half tours as an Introduction To Eating Oysters, a fun and accessible...

The First Oyster Crawl Was a Success!

I recently lead my first official oyster crawl and boy did we have a good time! We ate, we drank, we talked oysters, and then we ate some more. From east coast to west, we tasted six different oysters, took notes, and laughed a whole lot. My next Oyster tour is on...